Group gone?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JimR, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. JimR

    JimR Guest

    Has this group gone deathly quiet? Has everybody lost interest in
    Saturn? Or is everybody on vacation?

    JimR, Aug 1, 2009
  2. JimR

    Fred Guest

    I've had the same feeling for months now. Maybe someone knows.
    Fred, Aug 1, 2009
  3. JimR

    marx404 Guest

    Seems that it has gone quiet while web sites like SaturnFans have gone up in
    activity. I miss my old friends from here, Oppie, Lane? where are you guys?
    marx404, Aug 2, 2009
  4. JimR

    Doug Miller Guest

    Most newsgroups see lower traffic during the summer -- people are on vacation,
    enjoying the outdoors, doing yardwork....

    Me, I haven't had anything go wrong with either of my Saturns lately ('96 SL2,
    '99 SL2), and nobody's asked any questions, either, so I haven't had anything
    to post about.
    Doug Miller, Aug 2, 2009
  5. JimR

    Oppie Guest

    Was wondering if everybody just went over to or what?
    I answered a few posts over the past few months about L series and never
    even got a thank you reply.

    I check this group regularly and find it easier to navigate than digging
    through saturnfans (which I am registered for but rarely use).

    Regardless, wishing all a good summer.
    Oppie, Aug 9, 2009
  6. JimR

    Oppie Guest

    Present and accounted for, Sir! <grin>
    Hey, I'm a die hard. Heck, I still check the Junkyard-wars group even though
    the show has been gone (in the USA) for years.

    Oppie, Aug 10, 2009
  7. JimR

    Jon Jon Guest

    I still read in here .. my 98 Saturn still running like a champ - hit
    the whopping 74,000 miles a week ago. I've driven 134 miles since July
    17, a little over my average but I did drive 24 miles round trip on July
    19 to a picnic.

    I'd be hard pressed to buy a new vehicle today - I really appreciate my
    Saturn's dependability.

    Lemme regress - I WON'T buy a new vehicle <hehehe>.
    Jon Jon, Aug 12, 2009
  8. JimR

    JimR Guest

    Sheesh, my 97 SL2 has over 205,000 MILES on it. Still runs good, but
    some stuff is starting to bug me. I may look at a new car around year-end.

    JimR, Aug 12, 2009
  9. I sure hope a few of you regulars stick around. I just bought my first
    Saturn a few months ago (2008 VUE - 3.6 AWD) and my son has an SL1 (I think
    it's 4 or 5 years old). I tend to keep my cars a little longer than most and
    like to work on them myself when possible. My last car was a 91 Ford Mustang
    XL and the day the Firemen extricated me from it it had 325,000+ Km and had
    only seen a mechanic about 4 times in 18 years. I find the cramped engine
    compartment in the VUE a little intimidating at the moment, but I am sure by
    the time the 3 year bumper to bumper warrantee is up I will feel more
    inclined to get my hands dirty keeping it in running order.

    Slightly Graying Wolf, Sep 6, 2009
  10. JimR

    Oppie Guest

    Still looks like most of the posts have gone over to
    but you'll still see some of us here.
    Oppie, Sep 9, 2009
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