Greetings and my SL1 vs SL2 dilemma

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Frank, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Frank

    Frank Guest

    Hi all. I am new to this list and have a question.

    I have a 1992 SL1 which has been a good car overall. It has about 180000km
    and is in good working order except for the head gasket which has been
    leaking for about 2 years. I had planned on replacing this car, so never
    have had this fixed. The leak is slow and is not burning oil. I add about
    a half litre to one litre of oil every oil change.

    My MIL is replacing her 1992 SL2 with a new Vue. She has offered this car
    to me. She has taken good care of this car and reports no problems that she
    is aware of. I am unsure of the km's on her car, but I believe it is
    similar to my Saturn.

    My dilemma: Do I get rid of my well running SL1 with a leaky head gasket
    and get the somewhat unknown SL2?


    Thanks for your time.
    Frank, Aug 13, 2004
  2. Frank

    MR Guest

    If it is free, take it; nothing to decide. If at a good price get it
    and check it out and resell or sell yours if not needed.
    MR, Aug 13, 2004
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