Gave my Saturn away

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JimR, May 31, 2010.

  1. JimR

    JimR Guest

    I gave my 97 SL2 to my adult daughter. It has 210,000 miles, and I was
    the original owner. She and her BF love the car. Still runs good,
    although the A/C clutch died this past winter (somebody on Saturnfans
    web site suggested using the serpentine belt for the non-A/C, and that
    worked perfectly).

    Au revior my Saturn friends, and thanks for the help that this group has
    given me over the past 13 years.

    JimR, May 31, 2010
  2. JimR

    Oppie Guest

    All the best.
    Oppie, May 31, 2010
  3. JimR

    hubops Guest

    I gave my 2002 SL1 away to the towing company -
    for the towing charge ... after my daughter carelessly
    parked it ... in the ditch, on its roof ..
    She had nary a scratch - car was not good.
    Likewise - thanks to this group for advice -
    sorry to see usenet pass away - and Saturn ..
    John T.

    --- news:// - complaints: ---
    hubops, May 31, 2010
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