Gas Milage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Scott, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. Scott

    Scott Guest


    I have a 1996 Saturn SC2 DOHC. I usually go about 230 miles on a tank of
    gas. The last couple of months, I can barely go 200 miles. I drive mostly
    in the city, short trips, which I have always done. I am sure the cold
    weather has something to do with it, since I allow the car to warm up a
    little longer before I leave in the mornings, but would that effect the
    milage that much? Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!!


    T \ B
    Scott, Feb 27, 2005
  2. Scott

    tholen Guest

    tholen, Feb 27, 2005
  3. Scott

    The Real Tom Guest

    I've heard the boost that an engine gets with the cooler air entering
    the engine, is quickly over come by the cold temperatures effects on
    lubricants. The tire behave differently, chassi lube is thicker, car
    eats up gas reving higher to warm up.

    So, come to accept my fuel efficency goes down over colder months.

    Does anyone have a site that summerizes what I was told?


    tom @
    The Real Tom, Feb 27, 2005
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