front windows on 97SL2 are sticking

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by maxsaturn, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. maxsaturn

    maxsaturn Guest

    with a push down it moves and rolls up slowly. They are automatic. Id
    appreciate any help with this.
    maxsaturn, Feb 17, 2005
  2. maxsaturn

    Richard Guest

    I have read that one solution is to spray silicone lubricant on the tracks.
    This would require removing the inside door panel.
    You might possible be able to apply it on the edge of the window, and work
    it up and down a few times.
    Richard, Feb 19, 2005
  3. maxsaturn

    marx404 Guest

    White lithium grease applied sparingly is what is recommended, this also
    applies to your sunroof sticking issue. It also seesm that you may want to
    have your alternator/battery and window modules checked out by a mechanic;
    any of those could be your culprit. Also, check that the window and sunroof
    tracks have been kept properly cleaned of any debris.

    marx404, Feb 20, 2005
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