friction sound appear. NEED HELP!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by faraz, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. faraz

    faraz Guest

    Hi There,

    I just bought Toyota corolla seca 1995 auto (trimming belt has been
    replaced already on 148000). it has done 178000. it is running smooth
    except, when pull the accelerator like on 1-2nd gear (auto gear i
    assume) a strange sound appears for about 1-3 seconds. I have also
    noticed the sound when you are inclining (going up) on a road or pull
    the accelerator harder to get good speed. sound stay 1-2 sec some time
    3-5 sec

    Sound: looks to me like some metal parts are in the friction. Sound
    appears from the bottom part of the car

    I would really appreciate if some one please help me out with this


    Faraz Rana
    Managing Director / Design Consultant
    DEZIGNO [Print | Multimedia | Web]
    - A U S T R A L I A -
    faraz, Feb 22, 2008
  2. faraz

    faraz Guest

    sorry it is (timing belt not trimming... my fault

    faraz, Feb 22, 2008
  3. faraz

    Oppie Guest

    And you are posting a toyota question to a Saturn discussion group, WHY?
    Oppie, Feb 22, 2008
  4. faraz

    faraz Guest

    oppps.... didn't know that sorry.
    faraz, Feb 23, 2008
  5. faraz

    marx404 Guest

    oppie, all we see is your cross-post here on the regular NG. You are seeing
    posts from oddballs because you are replying to or using Google Groups.
    Using a regular NG reader will help to avoid most of these jokers.
    marx404, Feb 24, 2008
  6. faraz

    oppie Guest

    Sorry, I don't follow. I'm using OE as a news reader and reading off of a server. I did not see any cross post. What did I miss?
    oppie, Feb 25, 2008
  7. faraz

    marx404 Guest

    I don't see the original post, that's why I assume you cross-posted from one
    NG to another. My bad then.
    marx404, Feb 25, 2008
  8. faraz

    PerfectReign Guest

    PerfectReign, Feb 25, 2008
  9. faraz

    oppie Guest

    Thanks - will check them out. Just so accustomed to OE.
    oppie, Feb 26, 2008
  10. faraz

    Steve Guest

    Is it possible that you are hearing is preignition (pinging). What grade of
    gasoline are you using? Try using a higher grade and if the sound
    disappears, you've found the cause.
    Steve, Feb 26, 2008
  11. faraz

    marx404 Guest

    Oppie, sorry if I confused you. I am also using OE, I just was saying that I
    did not see what you were reply to, only your reply, not the original post
    you replied to. Maybe I have different settings than you do and that post
    got marked as spam and blocked on my compooter :), thus showing only your
    good post.


    marx404, Feb 26, 2008
  12. faraz

    marx404 Guest

    OK! I see it! I have gmail blocked, ergo thats why I only read the good
    posts, again my bad Oppie, I'm the idiot. Those are some good alternatives
    to OE btw but I personally found OE easier to use.


    marx404, Feb 26, 2008
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