Fail Emission Test

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ronnie802, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. ronnie802

    ronnie802 Guest

    Can anyone help? I did a tune-up: change spark plugs/wires. Change the
    Oil/filter. Air Filter. Just about everything I could think of. Any
    suggestions!!!!!Help!!! Failed the Following;
    NOx ppm
    The car isn't smoking. You can smell it.
    ronnie802, Jul 20, 2004
  2. ronnie802

    Bob Shuman Guest


    Year? Engine? Mileage? Is the Service Engine Soon light illuminated?

    Providing some details would help you get a better answer. Without them,
    I'd say to look first at the EGR valve given the high NOx and the fact that
    you have changed the other items you listed. Depending on mileage, you
    probably should also change the PCV since this is an emissions affecting
    item and is simple to replace.

    Good luck!

    Bob Shuman, Jul 20, 2004
  3. ronnie802

    ronnie802 Guest

    Thanks Bob!
    I've changed the PCV Value. but, still I can't seem to pass. Do, you think
    the spark plugs are misfiring? About the EGR, I replace that last year!
    ronnie802, Jul 21, 2004
  4. ronnie802

    ronnie802 Guest

    Bob! I have a 93SL1 3.1 Liter Engine. Service Light is not illuminated! I
    appreicate your suggestions
    ronnie802, Jul 21, 2004
  5. ronnie802

    Ratbert Guest

    I doubt you'll find anyone here who can help you with that engine. I'd
    venture to say most of us S-series owners, if not all, have the 1.9L.
    Ratbert, Jul 21, 2004
  6. ronnie802

    ronnie802 Guest

    By far I made a mistake with the engine size. You are right it is a 1.9L.
    ronnie802, Jul 21, 2004
  7. ronnie802

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I seem to recall that the EGR on that year was vacuum controlled. Check the
    vacuum hoses and make sure they are not cracked/brittle/leaking. You should
    also make sure the EGR diaphragm holds vacuum. Also, did you replace the
    gasket and get the bolts torqued properly when you replaced the GR? How many
    mile since this was done? After checking everything else, you may want to
    pull the EGR and take a good look to see if it is still OK. The valve
    should move freely and not stick open or closed. Also, the vacuum line
    should operate the valve. The gasket seat should be cleaned to make sure
    there is a good seal and the gasket should be replaced since it is about a
    $2-3 item.

    If you put in the correct plugs and gapped them properly and replaced/routed
    the new wires correctly and since I assume there are no other obvious
    symptoms then the plugs are likely not your problem.

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Jul 21, 2004
  8. ronnie802

    Steve Guest

    :) He surely knew that and was yanking your chain! Ratbert, you forgot
    the smiley! :)

    Wow! What state requires a twelve-year-old auto to pass an emissions
    test, California? :(
    Steve, Jul 21, 2004
  9. ronnie802

    ronnie802 Guest

    Georgia! What a headache!!!!!
    ronnie802, Jul 21, 2004
  10. ronnie802

    Ratbert Guest

    California requires them for 5-year old cars!
    Ratbert, Jul 22, 2004
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