"Exhaust"ing time with exhaust

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Greg, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. Greg

    Greg Guest

    I have a 98 SL2, bought off lease from the Northeast area of the country. I
    needed the exhaust replaced from the catalytic converter on back. Rather
    than go direct to Saturn (dealer's 45 miles away) I went to a shop I've
    dealt with for the past 25 years; they bought an aftermarket exhaust. It's a
    welded unit with hangers already attached and it connects with a 3 bolt
    triangular flange to the catalytic converter. Three times the replacement
    unit came in with the triangular flange attached in a different orientation
    than that of the converter. Now they have to get it direct from Saturn;
    having the car tied up for over a week.

    My question(s) is(are); how could an aftermarket store get this wrong three
    times in a row? Did Saturn make a design change that one needs to supply a
    VIN to get the right part? Has anyone else run into this problem?

    Thanks in advance,
    Greg, Aug 5, 2003
  2. Greg

    Napalm Heart Guest

    It seems that they could have cut and turned that flange.

    Napalm Heart, Aug 6, 2003
  3. Greg

    Guest Guest

    I have tried to post a pic of exhaust system for a Saturn with part numbers
    from Walker. But the reply doesn't get posted. So here it is with a link.

    Maybe try a Walker pipe #48294, NAPA carries them. I had bought one for
    my 2000 SL2, and it fit fine.

    Guest, Aug 9, 2003
  4. Greg

    Frank Guest

    I wonder how long the original muffler and exhaust will last? I'm still
    on original equipment, although the muffler itself looks bad. It has a
    layer peeling off of it from the bottom. The layer above it is rusted.
    The only thing I replaced myself was the bracket about two years ago.
    Bought it at Saturn and intstalled it myself. It was a bit of a pain to do
    only because of the seized bolt holding up the old bracket. How long does
    the pipe last?

    97 SC2
    123k km
    Toronto, ON, Canada
    Frank, Sep 19, 2003
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