Vehicle Specs: 2000 Saturn SL2 with just over 14,000 miles Background: Since October my 'Service Engine Soon' light has been coming on with some degree of frequency. My service technicians say the problem is in the EVAP system. Initially I was told to turn my gas cap at least three clicks after pumping gas. When that didn't work, the gas cap was replaced. When that didn't work, some temperature related element (a thermostat if memory serves correctly) was replaced. I think there was one other replacement after that. Things seemed to be going better (as measured by almost a month without a 'Service Engine Soon' light coming on) until a month and a half ago when my transmission (rear & 2nd gear to be specific) blew and I had to have it replaced. This morning the 'Service Engine Soon' light popped on and sure enough, the technicians are telling me that it's the EVAP system again. At this point they say they have run every test known and consulted with Saturn engineers. They ultimately replaced one of the two solenoids, simply because the only parts of the EVAP system that haven't been replaced are the solenoids, so they're hoping this fixes it, and if it doesn't, then they'll simply fix the other solenoid. Question: Since I've never personally known someone with either EVAP problems or a blown transmission, and since most of the people I know are driving cars older than mine and those cars have had significantly less engine problems than mine, I can't help but wonder - is it possible that my transmission blew because of the mystery EVAP problem/s?