Engine light goes on, air conditioning/blower goes off

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robert P., Jul 12, 2004.

  1. Robert P.

    Robert P. Guest

    I had just started up the car when I noticed that both the air conditioning
    or the blower weren't working at all. A few seconds later I noticed the
    engine light was on, so I pulled over and checked the oil. After I started
    it up again, the engine light went off and the air conditioner and blower
    worked just fine.

    So what kind of trouble am I in here? The car is a '95 Saturn SL-1, with
    120,000+ miles on it. Does this sound related to the exhaust system?
    Robert P., Jul 12, 2004
  2. Robert P.

    Blah blah Guest

    Get the code read for free at places like autozone.
    Blah blah, Jul 12, 2004
  3. Robert P.

    Oppie Guest

    Sounds like a Microsoft product...
    All it needed was a Re-Boot.

    Could be a bit of corrosion on one of the connectors or fuses. Often pulling
    the fuses and connectors and then mating them again them just burnishes the
    contact areas enough to get a good contact again
    | I had just started up the car when I noticed that both the air
    | or the blower weren't working at all. A few seconds later I noticed the
    | engine light was on, so I pulled over and checked the oil. After I started
    | it up again, the engine light went off and the air conditioner and blower
    | worked just fine.
    | So what kind of trouble am I in here? The car is a '95 Saturn SL-1, with
    | 120,000+ miles on it. Does this sound related to the exhaust system?
    Oppie, Jul 13, 2004
  4. Robert P.

    Robert P. Guest

    Thanks, I'll take a look. That's also the sort of thing I can do
    reasonably safely. :)
    Robert P., Jul 17, 2004
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