Hi, I have a 2001 automatic Saturn LW200 and my car have sometimes a strange behavior. When it append, the panel lights and inside lights are blinking quickly, the electric lock doors and gate don't work workproperly, the horn make a jerked sound. When the car is on Park and I press the break pedal I feel a quick "Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." under the shift lever. All the rest seem OK (motor, radio, whipers, electric windows, flashers, outside light etc). All the fuses seems OK (I checked the 3 pannels) but I feel the same "Trrrrrrrrrr..." in a small black box in the undehood fuse block (It look like a relay). I also have a good battery. I think it is an electric problem caused by a bad contact or a short cut or rust one a wire. When I was at the garage, everything was OK (a classic!) I live in the province of Quebec, Canada so we have cold winter, snow, ice and calcium on the road and on the carpet too. Maybe there is some wires under it. Your opinion is appreciate. Thank you ! S.B.