Early SL2 engine temp verses gauge readings

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by James1549, May 25, 2007.

  1. James1549

    James1549 Guest

    Ok finally after owning my 1992 SL2 for 15 years, I bought a scan tool
    that also allows 'live data' to be viewed. I often wondered what the
    actual engine temperature readings were on my gauge. And at what
    temperature the PCM turns the electric fan on and then back off.

    Now I know, take a look:

    James1549, May 25, 2007
  2. James1549

    Lane Guest

    Good info - thanks for sharing.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, May 26, 2007
  3. James1549

    BläBlä Guest

    Yeah that is a nice thing to have a link to. People come in here after
    winter when it starts warming up and are like OMG my temp gage is nearly
    in the red!

    BläBlä, May 30, 2007
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