E Check

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sturg57, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. sturg57

    sturg57 Guest

    Anyone else out there have to put up with this shit?,I've been able to
    duck it for 2-3 years because of my newer Ion,'03,got a noice in the
    mail to tell me I'm up for a test,my b'day is in May,they must be
    sending out notices earlire than they used to_Oh yea,I live in
    N.E.Ohio,the epicenter of emission chaos.
    sturg57, Feb 25, 2005
  2. Pretty much everyone. I just moved to NJ from NY. NJ's DMV website
    doesn't tell you ANYTHING about what's tested or how, just the typical
    boilerplate about how great I should feel about having my car abused on
    a dyno...
    Some places are finally going to just a trouble code scan on newer cars,
    i.e. they scan your car with a scan tool and no codes = pass. I think
    NY and NJ do it.

    Oh yeah, keep fighting the state run center crap. People in CT did and
    they closed them and went to a more rationale system as a result. Under
    current law (Congress finally put their foot down in the mid 90's), test
    and repair and test only stations are considered equally effective.
    IIRC, NY state was going to go test only, but the backlash and change in
    law stopped it...
    Philip Nasadowski, Feb 28, 2005
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