Do CV joints squeal ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by _jj_, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. _jj_

    _jj_ Guest

    My 2002 SL1 75000km auto
    front suspension started to make squeal noise
    not engine related
    but at the start of a drive - no time for bearing to heat up yet.
    I pulled a u-turn back to my garage & put the front end up on a jack
    spun and wiggled both front wheels - slight squeak from right for just
    a second or 2
    noise went away & I drove home - 20 miles - no noise.
    Any guesses ?
    I didn't do any parking lot turning-tests for CV joint yet - under
    normal driving - it seemed OK.
    Thanks ;
    John T
    _jj_, Apr 17, 2007
  2. _jj_

    _jj_ Guest

    OK I'll answer my own question ...
    Saturn dealer originally quoted about $ 750. plus 3 hours labour
    to replace the complete RF axle due to hanger bearing noise.
    I questioned it rather strongly - then after the service person
    consulted the mechanic - a hanger bearing kit was agreed to.
    ($60. plus 1.5 hours labour)
    But, of course - they found a head gasket leak ...
    I'm beginning to regret I ever heard of Saturn.
    Until next time ..
    John T.
    _jj_, Apr 19, 2007
  3. _jj_

    Lane Guest

    I got a reman axle from AutoZone for under $80 about a month ago and changed
    it myself using a $10 Haynes manual with about an hour's work. If you have
    a bit of patience, confidence, and a decent set of tools, you may want to
    consider rolling up your sleeves for future repairs? If a person has the
    time and willingness to learn, saving a lot of money really gives you an
    enormous 'job well done' feeling of satisfaction.

    $750 is unreal. I don't know how these dealers live with themselves when
    charging people those kind of prices.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Apr 20, 2007
  4. _jj_

    _jj_ Guest

    Thanks for your reply, Lane.
    The $ 750 was axle assembly - including CV joints; hanger bearing; ..
    not sure what else .. My local garage phoned-around after talking to
    the Saturn dealer - but no luck with after market suppliers.
    As for doing the work myself - my past attempts at auto repair have
    usually proved futile - I have vivid memories of a 5 hour oil change
    on a 72 Vega that had the filter seized on ... I think I invented a
    few new swear words, that day.

    _jj_, Apr 20, 2007
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