Ding in windshield

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oppie, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    Some April Fools joke, a car going the other way on a 2 lane highway kicked
    up a stone which landed right in the middle of my sight line. Left a 3/4"
    ding which hopefully can be repaired. At the recommendation of the garage
    next door, I called 'windshield wizard' to look at it.
    I tried on two other occasions, the diy windshield repair kits and was not
    impressed with the results.
    Oppie, Apr 1, 2005
  2. Oppie

    Bob Shuman Guest

    If it truly is in the line of sight, you will probably need to replace the
    entire windshield glass. Check with your insurance company.

    Bob Shuman, Apr 1, 2005
  3. Oppie

    Dan Duncan Guest

    I had pretty good luck getting a foot long crack repaired. The sooner
    you get it fixed the better it will look because if you wait dirt will
    accumulate in the crack and it will show up more. If you fix it
    right away, it's practically invisible.

    Dan Duncan, Apr 1, 2005
  4. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    I had tried getting an appointment with some of the big names in glass
    service and all gave me pretty shabby response time (over a week). Wound up
    taking it to a local glass guy who charged me $50 with the agreement that if
    the crack spread or I was unhappy for any reason, the money would be
    credited to replacement cost of entire windshield. And he did it as a
    drive-in while I waited in his shop. Took about 20 minutes and repair was
    almost un-noticeable. I'm a happy camper since I didn't want to put this on
    my insurance and replacement was about $260.
    Oppie, Apr 1, 2005
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