Creaking noise heard from right front - 99 SC1

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ken Very Big Liar, Dec 17, 2003.

  1. 99 SC1, 117,000 miles, manual tranny.

    I am having a creaking-type noise coming from the right front of the car, under
    the following circumstances:

    When I engage the clutch, whether moving or not. Meaning I can apply the brake
    and engage the clutch and hear the creaking noise.

    When going over speed bumps or other road disfigurations, especially at slow

    The sound sure seems like it's suspension related, but i'm not sure. I haven't
    inspected anything yet. I will check out the engine mounts today if work

    Anyway, I am spooked about tie rods, cv joints, wheel bearings. I had all of
    these problems with my old car ('90 Escort GT). The CV boots are in great
    shape. No cracks or anything.

    Any thoughts?
    Ken Very Big Liar, Dec 17, 2003
  2. Ken Very Big Liar

    Skid Guest

    I'm experiencing knocking noise in my 95SL2 when moving, getting it looked a
    on Saturday, so I will repost when I know the results.
    Skid, Dec 17, 2003
  3. Ken Very Big Liar

    Dan Hicks Guest

    If you mean you can engage the clutch in neutral and hear the noise
    then it's in the clutch linkage or it's just body panels responding
    to the pressure on the clutch pedal.

    If you mean that you put the car in gear and let out on the clutch
    (wit brakes on) and you hear the noise then it could be anything in
    the drive train or suspension/steering geometry.
    Dan Hicks, Dec 18, 2003
  4. Ken Very Big Liar

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    When I engage the clutch, whether moving or not. Meaning I can apply the
    I highly suspect either the top motor mount or the lower one(pas side). When my
    top one wore out it made a metal on metal click whenever I let the clutch out,
    or decelerated real hard(went from accel to decel - engine shifts). Also same
    symptoms when my lower mount broke in half. Get it checked out soon........if
    the lower mount should happen to have broken off, it could lead to a tore CV
    boot(like mine did......).
    BANDIT2941, Dec 22, 2003
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