Cracked cyl. heads

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by misterfact, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    Type in the keywords: CRACKED CYLINDER HEAD in search box ; then click
    on SEARCH.AUTOS.MAKERS.SATURN- then see how many horror stories come

    Then consider if you ever want to buy a Saturn (or another
    Saturn)with its worthless short term warranty.
    misterfact, Oct 18, 2004
  2. misterfact

    Blah blah Guest

    Cracked cyl. heads? more like Crack Head.

    This guy has no job, he has no life, he lives in his own little world.
    Before wasting ones time looking up "CRACKED CYLINDER HEAD" post that he
    himself floods this group with just type in "". You
    will come up with tirade after insane tirade. This guy is a nut case to
    the tenth degree. Reading his insane post will make you dizzy enough
    that you might vomit. The degree at which he post at is amazing and

    If you work for a Mental Institution and would like to help Michael
    Korman out please, for the sake of the internet, pay a visite to

    I'm sure you will find this nut case quite interesting. A person could
    write a book, no make that volumes of books on this nutcase.


    : 1,030 worthless Usenet post since "Aug 8th 2003"
    and counting. 356 days a year, 2.9 worthless post on average a day.

    He must be going for a record. Spam has more value than his post.


    Google search in "Saturn" group for
    "cracked cylinder head"
    MINUS "" and MINUS "replies".

    Post found:

    Actual cases of possible legit "cracked cylinder head" complaints found:

    My search string:

    I posted my findings... I'll hear anyone out other than that bigot
    Korman as to their "own" search findings. I however have never "seen" a
    case of a cracked Saturn head even though I've been around enough of

    As of now I've re-added Korman to my usenet filter (lost from
    reinstall). I sugest anyone here that is new to the group to do the
    same. Dont live life in the bowels of hate and rage. Live a happy
    healthy life and dont let the little things in life naw at you or you
    might become a raging lunatic usenet troll like Mr.Korman.

    Have a nice day everyone! :)
    Blah blah, Oct 18, 2004
  3. misterfact

    Oppie Guest

    Big freaking deal. When I had a Chrysler product there were a goodly share
    of cracked cylinder head issues too. Perhaps you would like to go back to
    cast iron blocks and cast steel heads (along with the weight penalty and
    fuel economy drop). Modern times bring modern problems.
    Oppie, Oct 18, 2004
  4. Isn't he the one who was advocating illegal splicing of electric cords
    onto smoke detectors, among other things that, well, hey, are suspect?

    Cracked heads? Guess he's never owned an old panhead Harley. It's not
    that you might get a cracked head, it's you HAVE a cracked head, or
    both. They all cracked. Every one of them. No, not just everyone that
    was ridden hard, every single one.

    Anyway, I don't get this cracked head stuff. I've had an SC2 for like
    11 years now, and it's still fine after 233,000 miles. *shrug*. Io
    feel cheated now - I didn't get the cracked cylinder head he says I'm
    entitled to :(
    Philip Nasadowski, Oct 18, 2004
  5. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    Sounds like all the engineers at Harley- went over to Saturn!
    Heh- you're the guy that got that one cylinder head that didn't have
    a casting flaw in it!
    misterfact, Oct 19, 2004
  6. Hardly. It was more like, they couldn't cast aluminum very well in the
    50's. But nobody else could either. Weld up the cracks and a Pan runs
    about as well as a 50 year old motor's gonna.
    Beats me, I see tons of Saturns around running just ducky.

    Then again, I see you're not complaining about the sludging issues that
    Toyota's had for the last, gee, 5 or 10 years (and denied since day
    one). Or Honda's infamous replace-before-it-pops-or-you're-fucked
    timing belt, or hell, any Honda 5 speed automatic transmission built
    within the last few years (Dad's minivan got bit by that recall, now
    they're doing something to Acuras again, meaning there's probbably yet
    ANOTHER recall action on it's way for Hondas. #2 in 40,000 miles. Why
    Honda can't give up and just build a planetary design like everyone else
    is beyond me....). Oh hell, BMW's had a few nasty design flaws.

    Beats me, when I pulled the head off at 210,000 miles, it looked fine -
    no cracks, no serious warpage (anything that old will in fact warp.
    fact of life). Got it rebuilt, it'll last another 100,000 plus miles.

    If it's a design flaw, they'd all break. Or as one design guy pointed
    out to me - if you can manufacture it right and it works, it's not a
    design flaw.

    Sure there's a few saturns out there with casting flaws. There's plenty
    of other cars too. And airplane engines. Be glad a casting flaw in the
    heads won't kill you - a JT-8D on an MD-80 in the late 90's exploded
    while the plane was on taxi, killing 2, seriously injuring 3 others.
    *bang* Before you even hear it, the passenger in front of you is
    chopped into a dozen pieces. Caused by a flaw in the compressor hub
    that existed from day one at the factory, due in all likely hood to a
    broken tool while drilling a hole in it. Too small to have been seen.
    Failued 13,000 cycles later and killed 3. Frankly, that's a lot more
    worrisome than a stupid car cylinder head cracking and blowing a head
    Philip Nasadowski, Oct 19, 2004
  7. (misterfact) typed until their fingers bled, and
    came up with:

    SOME '95-'96 SOHC engines had a casting flaw. Saturn extended the warrenty
    on those heads to 6yr/100k miles. My '95 never had a problem in the 109k
    miles I had that engine in my car, and it hasn't had a problem in the 3k my
    friend has driven that head since I replaced hers that did have the flaw at
    129k miles. My wife's '96 hasn't shown any problems at 88k.
    Kevin M. Keller, Oct 20, 2004
  8. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    more like 100,000 of 'em. All I can tell you you is some guy at
    Saturn customer service told me this on the phone- but I didn't get
    his name. Anyone who wants to argue this point- I'm open to your
    misterfact, Oct 22, 2004
  9. (misterfact) typed until their fingers bled, and
    came up with:
    which is not ALL of the '95 - '96 SOHC engines, and sure as hell not the
    "all Saturn engines" that you first posted.
    Kevin M. Keller, Oct 22, 2004
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