Cooling Problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by minimooseisfullofrage, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. I have a 95 saturn SW1 with an automatic transmission. when i purchased
    this car, the cooling fan didnt work, and it wasnt a problem in the
    winter, but now that it's getting hotter out, i decided to fix it, so i
    replaced the relay, and the coolant temperature sensor, which were both
    broken, and the fan works, but only when it gets VERY hot, like all the
    way to the white line just before the red. i was wondering if this was
    a problem with my pcm, or what else it could be.
    minimooseisfullofrage, Jun 14, 2006
  2. minimooseisfullofrage

    SnoMan Guest

    It seem to be the norm as GM has it get hotter than I would. If you
    have AC the fan defaults to on when ever the AC is on regardless of
    engine temp. You could install a amnual overide switch if you want
    SnoMan, Jun 14, 2006
  3. minimooseisfullofrage

    BläBlä Guest

    The fan comes on at about 220 degrees. You can use a scantool to to see
    when it actually comes on at a given temp.
    BläBlä, Jun 15, 2006
  4. minimooseisfullofrage

    SnoMan Guest

    It come on a lot hotter than that on my daughters car, It is well over
    230 on a scan tool and they told me it was normal for that car.
    SnoMan, Jun 15, 2006
  5. minimooseisfullofrage

    Lane Guest

    This is normal. It's not any problem with the car or cooling system, it's a
    problem with how they made the gauge look to the driver. As long as the fan
    engages prior to the needle being in the red, all should be fine. If you're
    overly concerned, any good garage can plug into the car and monitor the
    temperature that it gets to prior to the fan coming on. This can be
    compared to the specification for the car listed in the factory service

    A tip - make sure the plastic air dam is still on the car under the
    radiator. It plays a big part in cooling (even when the fan isn't running).
    Over time, it can disappear from the car often without a driver knowing
    since it is only held on by 2 flimsy springs.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Jun 16, 2006
  6. minimooseisfullofrage

    Private Guest

    I agree with the previous posters, but would comment that my cars do not
    normally indicate temps in the upper part of the gauge even when fully
    loaded in the mountains and my lower plastic air dams have been missing for
    years and I also have wire mesh in front of the rad to protect from gravel
    damage. I do live in southern Canada, do not have AC, and have also not had
    the common heat related problems with alternators and batteries.


    Private, Jun 16, 2006
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