Connector in the trunk

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ben, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I have had my 96 SL2 for about a month now and have been wondering what this
    wide connector is.. It looks like it connects to.. Something.. Not sure to
    what though.. I know it isn't the computer connector for the OBD II
    connector.. That is near the drivers side under the dash.. Any ideas...

    Ben, Nov 4, 2004
  2. Ben

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Possibly someone had a multi-player CD-ROM player mounted in the trunk? You
    need to follow the cable and see where it goes as that would give us a hint.

    Bob Shuman, Nov 4, 2004
  3. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I will do that but I know the original owner of the car and I know for a
    fact he never had a CD changer in the car.. It still has the originial
    stereo in it.. But it does make me wander if a CD Changer was an option for
    the year of 96..
    Ben, Nov 4, 2004
  4. Ben

    Oppie Guest

    Most likely the factory installed CD changer harness. Harnesses get
    installed whether or not the option is called out. does make it easier to
    add an aftermarket one though.
    Oppie, Nov 5, 2004
  5. Ben

    TSMANGOD Guest

    I've got a 96 SL2, and it came with a CD changer in the trunk, with a wide
    connector. I'd just as soon not have the thing there, since it takes up trunk
    space and I don't use CD's anyway. But that's what the connector goes to.
    TSMANGOD, Nov 18, 2004
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