Code 19

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by No Run Saturn, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. My 1992 Saturn SL1 is returning a code 19, 6X fault. Can someone please
    explain what I might do next? I understand that this is directly related to
    the PCM.

    Performance is poor. Stalls after warm up, will not start again until cool.

    If I must replace the PCM, do I have to take it in and have it "programmed"

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

    No Run Saturn, Oct 25, 2004
  2. I would tend to suspect the crankshaft position sensor for that, though
    the PCM could possibly be the cause.

    '92 is too old for a flash-programmable PCM, if you replaced it you'd
    just need to transfer the CALPAK or MEM-CAL chip from the old PCM to the
    Robert Hancock, Oct 28, 2004
  3. Thanks for the help Robert. I'll look into CPS.

    No Run Saturn, Oct 28, 2004
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