Cockeyed Steering on Saturn Ion

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by DaGuy, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. DaGuy

    DaGuy Guest

    I have a 2004 Saturn Ion which now has 5,000 miles on it. My problem,
    which I noticed when I first got the car, is that the steering is
    cockeyed. By that, I mean it's easier to turn the wheel to the left
    than it is to the right. When a car has the correct balance it should
    always try to center itself so that it wants to go strait ahead but my
    car always wants to nestle itself a bit left of center. Every move to
    the right is met with resistance immediately but it can go a ways to
    the left before any resistance is felt and when the resistance is
    finally felt (to the left) it's a smooth gradual increase. Going to
    the right, I feel a knot of resistance right at the center and is not
    smooth it's just a bit tougher to move all the way over. I've had it
    in to the service department several times. It's been aligned twice
    and they tell me it's in spec yet it's still cockeyed. Most messages
    that I've been reading in which someone has had a problem with steering
    envolve the powersteering unit. I do not believe that is my problem.
    I think it is the suspension bushings. I believe they are too soft.
    They (I believe) are allowing too much unintentional movement to the
    point where the unequal length shafts of the drivetrain are effecting
    the suspension geometry. Prior to buying this car I test drove another
    Ion and it did this as well. Just as a frame of reference, I have had
    some other cars with the unequal length driveshafts but they had stiff
    bushings. There steering was not only strait (balanced) but tight, no
    where near the slop of the Ion. The cars I'm referring to are the
    Honda Civic and the Mazda 323. Both of these were the standard models
    not the sport versions.

    If your still with me after all that, I have a question. Does anyone
    else out there with a Ion notice the same cockeyed steering?
    DaGuy, Jan 11, 2005
  2. If your car only has 5000 miles on it, it's still under warranty and
    you should take it to the dealer if you think something is wrong with
    it. I suspect you are merely trolling because nobody can really be
    that stupid. If you thought the car was no good at test drive, did you
    also think it would magically get better if you bought it? You should
    have bought the honda or the mazda if you thought they were so great.

    10 things men know about women:
    1)What's hers is hers.
    2)What's mine is hers.
    3)If she's happy, I'm happy.
    4)The main thing you married her for is her's too....
    10)women have breasts
    Rev Turd Fredericks, Jan 12, 2005
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