Cleaning Clear Plastic

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by teem, Jul 14, 2003.

  1. teem

    teem Guest

    After I got home with my Ion,I noticed the clear plastic covering the gauge
    cluster,was hazy/filmy,like the car sat out in the heat for months before
    shippng,I was thinking of using a wet(water with a little dawn) terry cloth
    wash cloth,to clean it,but,is that soft enough?.I sure as hell don't want to
    have it scratch from a washcloth,you never know.
    teem, Jul 14, 2003
  2. teem

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    Page 358 of the 2003 Saturn ION Owner's Handbook reads:

    Cleaning the Instrument Panel Gauge Cluster Lens

    Use only mild soap and water or a clean damp lint-free cloth. Sprays
    containing silicones or waxes may cause a hazy appearance on the instrument
    panel cluster lens. To remove silicone waxes from the instrument panel
    cluster lens, use a mixture of five parts clean water, one part ammonia, and
    one part mild dish soap and a lint-free cloth. Always wipe with a new
    section of the cloth to remove all the residue.

    Useful things, them owners manuals!
    Kirk Kohnen, Jul 14, 2003
  3. If what Kirk suggests doesn't work well, try Meguiar's PlastX. Designed for
    clear plastic it should remove anything. I've always just used a paper
    towel and windex on the gauge cluster but that PlastX works great on my poor
    sandblasted headlights.

    Charles Paluda, Jul 14, 2003
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