Changed rotors - rubbing sound - 99 Saturn SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by jimsz, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. jimsz

    jimsz Guest

    I've just changed the rotors & pads on my 99 SL2. No problems doing so as I
    have done it before and the Saturn is very easy to work on. (120k+ miles)

    However, on the passenger side when I apply the brakes and when the car is
    just about slowed to a stop I hear a rubbing. I tool everything a part to
    make sure it was clean, retightened, etc.. The rubbing sound remains but
    only when the car is just about at a stop and slowed down with the brakes
    applied. If I let up on the brakes it ceases. No other noise or feeling.

    My initial guess is it is simply the brakes and rotor creating a fit.

    Any feedback you can share? Anything i can check to make sure it is not
    something else?
    jimsz, Oct 11, 2004
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