CD/Radio wiring!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Warren, May 22, 2004.

  1. Warren

    Warren Guest

    Hey group...
    I have a perplexing problem for the wiring experts out there.

    Have an '04 Ion. Came with the standard base CD player. I wanted the 6 disc
    changer (which I got) but NOT the new 6 disc/mp3 version - so I opted for
    last year's with 6 disc changer/cassette. (Some of my favorite music never
    made it to CD, so I'd still like to use cassettes on occasion.) Well, the
    wiring attachments are different (not a terribly tremendous surprise.) The
    plug does not even match up. Close, but no cigar...(sorry Ms. Lewinsky...)

    So would the remedy be to find a harness from a 2003 Saturn and splice? Or
    are there other alternatives to the dilemma? Is there an adaptor available?
    (Sould I ask Saturn?)

    Also, the large blue connector on the original was plugged into an adaptor
    that narrowed it down to a small white one which plugged into the original
    unit. The back of the 6 disc/cassette has 2 different ports: 1 small and one
    large. Do both ports need to be connected? (I assume so, but where would the
    secondary harness attach?)

    I know this is a tricky and laborious problem, but I suspect that others
    have tackled it, for many people do change out their sound systems.

    Any kind of help (especially if someone out there has specifically done the
    same thing in replacing their CD/radio system) is most surely appreciated.

    Warren, May 22, 2004
  2. No experience with a new Saturn - I've use for my 97.
    Adapters, headunit, harness, etc. and great printed diagrams.
    Jonnie Santos, May 22, 2004
  3. There is a Saturn TSB on the subject of installing a stereo with tape player
    into a 2004/05 vehicle. It says that there are jumper harnesses available to
    connect them in, for the ION it's part number 22732130.
    Robert Hancock, May 22, 2004
  4. Warren

    AN0NYM0US Guest

    I just installed a OEM MP3 player on my 2000 S Series few days ago and have
    learn a great deal of it...

    First Starting from Year 2000 Saturn audio wiring harness seems to be
    different than previous years. (The GM Mini harness @ Canadian Tire no
    longer works on newer model) I got my (working) wiring harness @ a audio
    installer shop (not even Audio 2001 has it, but they called the shop and
    gave me the address) There isn't any brand name on it, and it is made in
    China.. However I hope the model number on the package helps: GWH-348 (that
    for Saturn 2000 anyways)

    I think the blue connector you are ralking about is the same as the one I
    have got... And the smaller white one, is to the radio unit.

    Also the Ign 12V wire seems to be on A6 instead of B2 as indicate on my
    package. Once again YMMY.

    good luck
    AN0NYM0US, May 24, 2004
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