Catalytic Converter?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by oh123, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. oh123

    oh123 Guest

    So while coasting in gear, my car, a 99 sl1, starts to kind of feel
    like it's misfiring. if I tap the gas, it will stop, and I can
    conitinue to coast, until it does it again in a few more moments.
    Someone said that this could be from a faulty Catalytic Converter - is
    this true? just gave the thing a tune up hoping that was the

    I haven't replaced the fuel filter; could this be it?

    What else? Any help is appreciated!
    oh123, Apr 8, 2008
  2. oh123

    Lane Guest

    Before you replace anything, stop by any Autozone store and they will read
    the stored diagnostic codes for no charge. It beats guessing and replacing
    parts that may not need to be.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Apr 10, 2008
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