I went for an oil change at my local garage and when i was paying for my bill the clerk asked when my next inspection was. I stated not unitl October, she said well you better save your pennies. The mechanic said i need two oxygen sensors and a new catalytic converter. All for the low price of 00, parts and labor included of course. After considering throwing a Moltov cocktail through my 99 sl with 109k, i went to Auto zone, the kid pulled the faults with the computer and said my o2 sensors were reading slow. My check engine light has been on for a little so i assumed it was a sensor of some sort. Here is my question, Should I wait until october and see if i fail emissions then replace it or could the sensor's be bad therefore causing the converter to run inproperly. Or is everything shot and i should just take the hit and try to smile? is there anyway to tell? I don't know this mechanic too well i only trust him to change my oil and balance a tire or two. I just don't know him and haven't dealt with him that much. any help would be great!!!