cant register on Saturn Fans

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marx404, Jul 27, 2003.

  1. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Maybe this is OT, but I cant register my password on I
    emailed but got no reply at all. I think I screwed up though,
    see I registered last year, when I did I stupidly checked the box " dont
    allow moderators to send you email", and I think that screwed me up.

    I have tried to log in and I get a message saying my pasword is invalid, so
    when I click on the link to reset my password, I do get that email but not
    the one afterwards that gives me the new password.

    Does anyone have any ides what I can do or who to write to fix this?
    I am also marx404 there too. Gratis.

    marx404, Jul 27, 2003
  2. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Hello Charlie? Help! lol.

    I have never been able to log onto Saturn Fans at all. When I registered, I
    then tried to logon and all I got was a web page saying incorrect password.
    I know that I typed the correct password! So, I tried resetting the
    password, got the email snet to reset it, but no replacement password
    afterwards. its been like this since. I do show up in the members area as a
    member since 05/2002 with 0 posts.

    Yesterday I tried creating another account under a new user name, but the
    system would not let me reuse my email address. Bummer.

    marx404, Jul 28, 2003
  3. marx404

    A.Johnson Guest

    Since you cant get ahold of Charlie, Would you like me to send him a
    PM with your email address and let him know what up??

    If so post or send me an email of what you'd like me to tell him.

    ADAM (cxtra_vue)
    A.Johnson, Jul 30, 2003
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