Can You swap a 92 tranny into a 99 ??????

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Marco, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. Marco

    Marco Guest

    My girl friend has a 1999 Saturn SL1 and the transmission is starting to go,
    it bangs into reverse and sometimes it doesn't shift.

    Now I have a 1992 Saturn SL2, would that transmission fit into her car?
    Marco, Aug 17, 2004
  2. Marco

    Lane Guest

    If it is a manual transmission, the answer is a qualified yes. DOHC (your
    SL2) manual transmissions are geared differently than SOHC (her SL1)
    transmissions. While it will bolt up and operate, the DOHC trans is geard a
    bit more toward performance/acceleration and the SOHC won't likely get as
    good of mileage with it.

    If it is an automatic transmission - interchangeability isn't as easy. The
    trans itself has electronics in it which aren't compatible among all years.
    I do not know anything more specific.

    Lane [ l a n e @ p a i r . c o m ]
    "Straights are for fast cars. Turns are for fast drivers."
    Lane, Aug 17, 2004
  3. Marco

    jdoe Guest

    PRobably just the vavlve body. HAd the same issue on my 96.
    jdoe, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Marco

    Blah Blah Guest

    The "slam" statement kinda hints at automatic.

    Refer to the recent post with the thread "Transmission Shifts Hard -
    Vavle Body?" Read that thread to get an idea of what you will probably
    need to do.

    There appears to be some changes between the 91-92 and 93-up TAAT
    transmissions so there wont be nothing worth robbing off of the 92.

    Blah Blah, Aug 17, 2004
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