Can someone please run a carfax for me?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by The Radney's, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. The Radney's

    The Radney's Guest

    THANKS IN ADVANCE! The VIN is 2C1MR5291S6791081.
    The Radney's, Nov 22, 2003
  2. The Radney's

    Guest Guest

    why? Can't you do it yourself? AFAIK, a Carfax report isn't free.


    People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's
    safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

    Remove "die spammers" to email
    Guest, Nov 22, 2003
  3. The Radney's

    Joe Biadasz Guest

    Some people pay for the big Carfax reports that will allow you to run
    multiple cars instead of paying for each one you runn... He's just hoping
    that someone will give him a freebee...

    BTW I dont have carfax so Good luck.
    Joe Biadasz, Nov 22, 2003
  4. The Radney's

    Napalm Heart Guest

    In the past, people that frequent this NG have been kind enough, while
    they have an active subscription, to run VIN's for others.

    Napalm Heart, Nov 22, 2003
  5. The Radney's

    Guest Guest

    wow. That's really nice of them. Guess I would too. If someone *is*
    doing this, in all seriousness, could they ping me off-list? I have
    a VIN that needs to be run...actually involves the recent
    problems I've had with my (now traded in) 2000 LS2.



    People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's
    safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

    Remove "die spammers" to email
    Guest, Nov 23, 2003
  6. The Radney's

    Brigitte J. Guest

    Brigitte J., Nov 23, 2003
  7. The Radney's

    Brigitte J. Guest

    Brigitte J., Nov 23, 2003
  8. Would anyone really trust carfax? I know of problems on one of my cars
    that would never show up on it. It is only as good as the data that is
    put into it.
    Paul Dougherty, Nov 23, 2003
  9.'s good if you're concerned about possibly getting a car with a scrap
    title that isn't being disclosed. If Blue is reading he may have some other
    info - there's a way around the disclosure (I think if the car and bought
    and sold in different states... I can't remember the detail)...
    Jonnie Santos, Nov 23, 2003
  10. The Radney's

    Brigitte J. Guest

    With your carfax subscription you get a $5,000 guarantee that their info is

    All 3 cars I've purchased using the carfax reports to rule out problem
    vehicles were, as far as I could tell, accurate.

    Have you ever ran a carfax report on your vehicle? For each report run,
    there is a place where they ask, "Do you have any information on this
    vehicle?". I'm not sure what they do with the information someone would
    post there, but surely it could be easily abused.

    Brigitte J., Nov 23, 2003
  11. The Radney's

    c0smic Guest

    It was nice of you to look that up, Brigitte :) Now the Radney's will
    know they should take their discussion to alt.geo.ex-rental
    c0smic, Nov 24, 2003
  12. The Radney's

    mjh404 Guest

    With your carfax subscription you get a $5,000 guarantee that their info is
    Great, in theory. What about accidents that haven't been reported? Case in
    point, my 94 SL2 that I bought from a local Police Chief (now you would
    think that a cop would be an honesty guy, lol) I should have been leary
    about how adamant he was about showing me his Carfax report showing that the
    car had never been in any accidents. As far as I could tell that day, the
    car looked in near perfect condition.

    Later that week, I had noticed that the front air dam was missing. Closer
    inspection and some headlight dissasembly revealed that the front end had
    indeed been in an accident and repainted, which my Saturn mechanic also
    noted upon replacement of the missing air dam.Althought the damage was not
    structural, only cosmetic, if one looks closely, my hood and headlights are
    misaligned as a result of an obvious minor accident.

    So much for Carfax knowing everything and so much for policemen and thier
    wives being honest. Carfax is a good idea nonetheless, it will show any
    "reported" accidents. Your absolute best bet is to ask the owner to allow
    you to have the car physically inspected by a qualified mechanic before you
    purchase it. Any reason that the owner declines this should give you
    reasonable doubt, and that was MY mistake.
    mjh404, Nov 24, 2003
  13. That is what I was pointing out. My Blazer has a (new) Engine that has
    half the mileage of the car and (new)transmission that as a 1/4 of the
    mileage. It does not show up on car fax. But, I do have the paper work
    that proves it.

    Paul Dougherty, Nov 24, 2003
  14. The Radney's

    Dan Hicks Guest

    Note that in many states there is no requirement to report damage an
    accident to the police unless the accident is on public roads AND it
    involves personal injury or damage over some significant limit ($500
    or so).
    Dan Hicks, Nov 25, 2003
  15. The Radney's

    mjh404 Guest

    Nor do many states require police chiefs to be honest, lol.
    mjh404, Nov 25, 2003
  16. The Radney's

    c0smic Guest

    It was nice of you to look that up, Brigitte :) Now the Radney's will
    know they should take their discussion to alt.geo.ex-rental
    c0smic, Nov 26, 2003
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