Cabin air filter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oppie, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    In the nice weather the other day, I inspected the engine and passenger
    compartment air filters on the '01 LW300.Both were very choked with leaves
    and all manner of road debris. The engine filter cleaned up nicely after
    vacuuming with the trusty shop vac. Cabin filter needed to be replaced.
    One parts place didn't know what I was talking about so I was about to go to
    Saturn parts. On a lark, I tried the local CarQuest dealer and they had the
    filter for $12.

    Nice that the HVAC system uses a filter. One more thing to plug up and
    change. Still if you have ever tried to clean a heater core or evaporator
    that became plugged with pine needles or leaf smutch, changing a filter is
    far preferable.

    Washed the car too. I bought a 1500psi pressure washer last year from Sam's
    club for $120 (iirc?). This is the greatest thing since sliced bread for
    cleaning brake dust off of the alloy wheels. Curious that the front brakes
    seem to make far more dust than the rear. Both are disk but I guess that the
    system is balanced to give more braking power on the heavier front wheels.

    Oppie, Feb 25, 2004
  2. Oppie

    Vidar Guest

    Any idea on brand and part number? We have to replace ours, and saturn is
    saying it's a $90 part!
    Vidar, Feb 25, 2004
  3. Pretty much every car on the road today generates the majority of it's
    braking power from the front brakes - much more downforce on the front
    wheels, particularly when stopping and the car starts to nose dive.
    David & Caroline, Feb 25, 2004
  4. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    | | > In the nice weather the other day, I inspected the engine and passenger
    | > compartment air filters on the '01 LW300.Both were very choked with
    | leaves
    | > and all manner of road debris. The engine filter cleaned up nicely after
    | > vacuuming with the trusty shop vac. Cabin filter needed to be replaced.
    | > One parts place didn't know what I was talking about so I was about to
    | to
    | > Saturn parts. On a lark, I tried the local CarQuest dealer and they had
    | the
    | > filter for $12.
    | >
    | Any idea on brand and part number? We have to replace ours, and saturn is
    | saying it's a $90 part!

    Carquest part #89865
    Lists for $19. (what you bill the customer for the part)
    Net $11.80 (what it cost me)

    The owner's manual has the instructions to get at the filter.
    If you don't have the manual:
    Open the hood and remove the gasket at the top of the firewall by pulling it
    upwards starting at the sides. No need to completely remove it, just to
    clear the center section. In the center, in front of the windshield, the
    plastic cover is hinged, pry it up from the forward side. The filter is
    directly below the opening. Release the two plastic side clips (moving them
    to the sides) and pull the top of the filter forward to a vertical position
    and then up to remove. Note the way the old filter was installed. The OEM
    filter has arrows for airflow indication, the carquest one does not. FWIW,
    the OEM filter is supposed to be a heppa type and the carquest is only a
    plain pleated filter. Is it worth the additional $68? that's your call.

    Also saw the set of torx sockets needed for some of the engine maintenance.
    Lisle #STL26750 net $20.33

    In all a worthwhile trip.

    Oppie, Feb 26, 2004
  5. Your dealer is either ripping you off or they made a mistake. My Saturn
    parts dept. charged me $12 for the part only.

    2002 LW300
    Dana Rohleder, Feb 29, 2004
  6. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    $90 sounded excessive even for the dealer to install the filter...which is
    why I try to do as much of my own work as possible.
    Bob Oppenheimer
    For valid response address, remove the '1' following oppie
    | Your dealer is either ripping you off or they made a mistake. My Saturn
    | parts dept. charged me $12 for the part only.
    | Dana
    | 2002 LW300
    | --
    | Dana C. Rohleder
    | Port Kent, NY
    Oppie, Feb 29, 2004
  7. Oppie

    Zeppo Guest

    I went to my dealer and paid $24 for a box (3 filters). They were definatly
    ripping trying to rip you off.
    Zeppo, Feb 29, 2004
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