Brakes question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DMHenrie, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. DMHenrie

    DMHenrie Guest

    Girlfriend had squeaky front brakes.. 1999 Saturn SL1.. It need new pads,
    and I installed them. Now, the sqeaking stoipped, but the pedal goes almost
    to floor. Fluid level is ok. Did I do something wrong, or its there an
    adjustment procedure I missed. Sheesh, I put them on my Pontiac without a
    problem and these are pretty much the same..
    Thanks in advance
    DMHenrie, Oct 25, 2004
  2. DMHenrie

    Ron Herfurth Guest

    You probably shoved the piston farther back into the cylinder more than was
    needed to get the new pads on. You have to pump the brake pedal several
    times to drive the piston far enough out to engage the pads.

    Then check the brake fluid level.

    Ron Herfurth, Oct 25, 2004
  3. DMHenrie

    Bob Shuman Guest

    This could be the case, but if so, then the vehicle would not be stopping
    properly (rear brakes only or just one front which would cause it to pull
    hard to one side).

    Another possibility here is that you might not have gotten them back on
    properly. The only way to tell though will be to disassemble and do a
    visual inspection. It would be hard to get everything back together if it
    was not aligned correctly, but not impossible.

    A last possibility no one has mentioned is dependent upon if you bled the
    brakes. If so, you likely have air in your system and need to complete the
    bleeding properly again. You don't mention doing this so if you did not
    open the system it should not be your problem.

    Good luck and post what you find for others to benefit.

    Bob Shuman, Oct 26, 2004
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