Blowing Dashlight/Parking Light Fuse

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ben, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I keep blowing the parking light/dashlight fuse... Nothing has been
    modified.. It just started doing it this morning... Any ideas would be
    helpful.. I know that this is usually caused by a short.. But where to look

    Thanks in advance for the help

    Ben, Apr 27, 2005
  2. Ben

    marx404 Guest

    Um, what is it? a truck, a cow, an ION or a fish? PLEASE SASTE THE YEAR AND
    MODEL OR WE HAVE NO CLUE!!!!! I am tired of assuming what you ppl dont

    marx404, Apr 28, 2005
  3. Ben

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    I know this sounds strange, but...

    Check all of the parking lamps. Sometimes when a bulb blows, the filament
    shorts across the hot side and the ground side with low enough resistance to
    blow fuses.

    Good luck!
    Kirk Kohnen, May 4, 2005
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