Black Tar on doors

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marx404, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Just got an '02 SC2. There is a sticky black tar like goop eminating from
    the inside door window frames. (if anyone ever had an old 70's ford, similar
    stuff to what they used around windshields).

    This stuff is a mess! If you touch it it is like sticky tar that sticks to
    everything! Does anyone know how to get rid of it forever? Thanx.
    marx404, Oct 26, 2004
  2. marx404

    Art Guest

    Sounds like rustproofing which doesn't work and may plug up drain holes.
    Make sure you unplug all holes.
    Art, Oct 26, 2004
  3. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    nope, not rustproofing, that is done in factory. This appears to be a type
    of sealant, like what Ford used in the 70s on windshields. Anyone who had
    one knows what I am talking about.

    marx404, Oct 27, 2004
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