BG vs Techron

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marx404, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    We have a dirty little '03 SL1. ONe mechanic says use BG fuel injection
    cleaner ($30. a can at Saturn), another says use Chevron Techron (Auto Parts
    Store $3.00). The second one says that Techron is better and cheaper (I
    agree cheaper).

    Which is better or are they the same? From my experience, BG is overrated.
    marx404, Aug 29, 2004
  2. marx404

    Oppie Guest

    For what it's worth, I added a $3 can of Gumout (gray bottle) to the last
    tank of gas. Half way through the tank, the SES lamp went on and gave a
    P0455 code (large leak in EVAP system). Is there a connection, probably not
    but still worth mentioning.

    The engine DOES run better now. There had been a little mid range hesitation
    which is now gone. I cleaned out the EVAP vent solenoid which might have
    been sticking. Not going to get serious though about further testing 'till
    this tank is empty. One variable is bad enough.

    Oppie -'01 lw300

    | We have a dirty little '03 SL1. ONe mechanic says use BG fuel injection
    | cleaner ($30. a can at Saturn), another says use Chevron Techron (Auto
    | Store $3.00). The second one says that Techron is better and cheaper (I
    | agree cheaper).
    | Which is better or are they the same? From my experience, BG is overrated.
    | Thanx.
    | --
    | marx404
    Oppie, Aug 29, 2004
  3. marx404

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    We have a dirty little '03 SL1. ONe mechanic says use BG fuel injection
    What happened to you working at a Saturn dealer?
    BANDIT2941, Aug 29, 2004
  4. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Wow, are we getting sidetracked <jk>.

    Yep, I still do work for Saturn, but I also own 2 Saturns and will always
    also be a customer too. I like to save $$ and like my cars to run right,
    just like everyone else :)

    So, to bring us back full swing to the post in question:

    BG fuel injection cleaner from Saturn - $30.
    Chevron Techron fuel injection cleaner - $3.

    Two different Saturn techs say the other is better. Which IS better?

    marx404, Aug 29, 2004
  5. marx404

    Blah Blah Guest

    I never used either. What test was done to determine the injectors were
    in need of cleaning? If nothing else you can try the Techron first at no
    real loss. I would just try to burn it all out of the tank asap though.
    Some of of those cleaners will melt or damage parts.
    Blah Blah, Aug 29, 2004
  6. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Thanx Blah, but long story made short: Wifes 93 Sl1, not driven hard or
    enough, dirty everything. Had everything cleaned out by Saturn, whole nine
    yards. They did BG treatment on entire fuel system, car ran better far a day
    or so, then started acting like it will shut off in idle, no codes at all.
    Dirty fuel in tank seems to be a culprit as everything else possible was

    After one BG fuel treatment can, one mech says put more BG until it is
    cured, another says BG sux, use Techron to clean out the tank and lines.

    Which is beter?
    marx404, Aug 30, 2004
  7. marx404

    C. E. White Guest

    Religious debates are like that. I'd go with the Techron.
    However, it is not going to clean out the tanks and lines.
    If your problem is water in the fuel, then Techron is not
    going to help. One of the alcohol additives is all you need
    to remove small amounts of water. If you have intake valve
    or fuel injection depositis, my money is on the Techron. I
    have seen it work wonders on a Buick with intake valve
    deposits. BG advertises more in relation to the size of the
    company (at least on Sirius radio), so maybe they need to
    charge more to cover the ads.

    If you notice Chevron spends a lot of ad copy explaining how
    their product works and who uses it. BG spends a lot of time
    telling you how much better your car will run without really
    explaining why.


    Ed White
    C. E. White, Aug 30, 2004
  8. marx404

    Oppie Guest

    My feeling is that if one can made only a temporary improvement, a second
    can will do likewise...
    Have you checked the fuel pressure and delivery? Possibly changed the fuel
    I'm pretty sure that a fuel pressure problem will not throw a code but make
    everything else run poorly. As White had written, also address the
    possibility of water in the tank. Water will plug the fuel filter membrane
    and result in a pump that is straining and low pressure to the engine. I
    pull the filter and try to blow through it. Even a dirty filter will get
    some air through but a waterlogged filter will get no airflow at all. If
    this is the case, leave the filter out and get the fuel pump to pump out as
    much fuel as possible (pull connector and jump lines to chassis and battery.
    Make connections away from fuel) into a container until as much water is
    out. Remove remaining water with 'gas line antifreeze' preferably the
    isopropyl type.
    Hope this helps - Oppie
    Oppie, Aug 30, 2004
  9. marx404

    Jerry Guest

    Seems like TB cleaning is due...
    Jerry, Aug 30, 2004
  10. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    TB cleaning done, new fuel filter, lots of crud in old fuel filter, so mech
    thinks lots of crud in tank as well makes sense. The prob originated from
    wife not driving car hard enough, now stalling when stopped in drive or
    reverse, bucks when accelerating. Three mechanics looked at it, all keep
    saying keep putting fuel cleaner in (either BG or Techron).

    marx404, Aug 31, 2004
  11. marx404

    Blah Blah Guest

    Sounds like tcc is acting up but I dont think it should be engaging
    while in reverse.
    Blah Blah, Aug 31, 2004
  12. Change the plug wires if they're lousy?

    TCC could be it, If you can unplug it on a Saturn, I'd do that to check
    that. Check the EGR valve (if it's stuck or whatnot) too.

    And DRIVE the car a bit. The computer might just need to relearn
    things. Undo the negative, clean it, clean the positive, hook both back
    up, and drive the car for a while, both around town and on the highway.
    Might just need to flush the last crud out + get the computer's head
    sorted out...
    Philip Nasadowski, Aug 31, 2004
  13. marx404

    Oppie Guest

    | TCC could be it, If you can unplug it on a Saturn, I'd do that to check
    | that. Check the EGR valve (if it's stuck or whatnot) too.

    TCC - Torque converter clutch solenoid...
    I had to look that one up. Always knew it as the torque converter lock-up
    control.Good to learn something new every day.

    If there is a lot of crud in the fuel tank still, it may be coating the
    'sock' that filters the coarse crud at the fuel pump inlet. Result is low
    fuel pressure. If that's the case, drop the tank and/or flush it out.
    Oppie, Sep 1, 2004
  14. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Thanks but did all that. The question was.....BG or Techron, which is
    Thanx anyways. The Techron is cheaper.

    marx404, Sep 1, 2004
  15. marx404

    Ted Guest

    Don't think you are going to get Techron for $3 unless it is used as an
    additive to something else.."contains Techron" get the real thing don't
    screw around.. I believe they have a 12 gallon size and a 20 gallon size,,
    the larger is close to $10..Follow the directions.. and when you get to the
    last 1/4 tank or so.. "pound" on it a little .. if you have some hills a
    few good runs with heavy throttle up them in 2nd would be perfect to move
    some extra fuel through the system and "break loose" some of the crud that
    is "almost out".

    Also I have heard that water will swell that sock and cause fuel delivery
    problems.. I have never pulled one out when this was a problem so I can't
    comment on this directly..
    Ted, Sep 2, 2004
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