I have a 1993 Saturn SC2 and I am about convinced this car has a gremlin. For the past year it goes through "phases" where it just won't start. If you are persistent it will start eventually....The first symptom of this problem was when I started the car I would notice that the radio was always reset back to a.m. like the battery had been cut off. Then on cold days it took a good ten minutes of trying to get it started. Oddly, if you opened the door the door open "Dinger" had to be "dinging" or it wouldn't start. So if you tapped the console it would start dinging and the car would start. Although, my children find this greatly amusing...I DONT. I have had the alternator checked and replaced. There's a new battery in it. I have some suspicion that the automatic seatbelts might be a culprit because they are acting funny, but it may just be because the power is compromised. Now, today, there is a clicking noise coming from the console between the seats. It's a constant clicking that starts when you turn the key or open the door to the car. It comes right from the console where the emergency brake is and absolutely Nobody has a clue what this is. I am convinced that this clicking is totally draining the battery because now it wont start at all. It's completely dead. I did have a shop tell me that they could replace the ignition switch for 0 but they wouldn't guarantee that was the problem. I would be so happy if one of you could save me from having to spend a fortune to troubleshoot this problem!!!! Thank you. Beverly