Bad electrical problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Stef, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Stef

    Stef Guest

    I' ve got 2 unrelated electrical problem.
    First, the intermit. and low setting for the wipper won't work...nor will the mist and the windshield washer one. I've changed the wiper motor and the lights/wiper unit on the column and still won't work. I've checked the wires and connection...I'm wondering if it might be a problem with the computer, or any other relay I dont know about.
    Problem no.2 A few days ago I started having problems starting the starts, but stops immediately. The engine runs very well for a few seconds, then stops. Dont know if it's related, but about the same time the coolant temp. gauge indicated hot even with the engine completely cold, actualy even before the engine starts...since it takes me about 5 min. to start it. I checked the coolant sending unit by unpluging it, the gauge wont it must be a bad connection, or a computer problem???
    Maybe the ground wire from the sending unit crosses the one from the dis module...I realy need your help on this one.
    Stef, Dec 16, 2003
  2. Stef

    flatline Guest

    1. Wiper: I had a bad low speed where sometimes it sticks in
    mode and not the next higher setting. Since I had the computer module
    replaced, I haven't seen it happen again, but it hasn't rained much
    here in Austin, either. I can't say for sure if it's fixec.
    2. Bad starting / coolant temp gauge: My temp gauge suddenly went up
    to high like yours,then the fuel gauge did the same thing- went up to
    full. I did not have starting problems though. Saturn diagnosed it as
    a bad module.. and fixed it. Cost was $175 parts plus
    $100 labor.
    Your problem sounds very much like a bad ECM, as I found out. I have
    an '01 SW2.

    r.b. starts, but stops immediately. The engine runs very well
    for a few seconds, then stops. Dont know if it's related, but about
    the same time the coolant temp. gauge indicated hot even with the
    engine completely cold, actualy even before the engine starts...since
    it takes me about 5 min. to start it. I checked the coolant sending
    unit by unpluging it, the gauge wont it must be a bad
    connection, or a computer problem???
    flatline, Dec 18, 2003
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