Bad Bearing in '95 Sl1 5 spd?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by mr_mahoney, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. mr_mahoney

    mr_mahoney Guest

    I have a 95 sl1 with a bad bearing (droaning noise) on the left side.
    I get no play out of the wheel but the output shaft has about 1/16-1/8
    of play at the trans seal. So if it is this bearing, how do I
    replace? Is is held in with a snap ring or do I have to drop the
    tranny? Do I dare ask....cost?

    I look forward to any helpfull info you folks will share.
    mr_mahoney, Sep 22, 2003
  2. mr_mahoney

    mr_mahoney Guest

    Figured it out. Wheel bearing $34.00 Yeah !
    mr_mahoney, Oct 2, 2003
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