back from the dead: 97 SL1

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by David Teichholtz, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. Last week my daughter took a left hand turn and got hit on the right side of
    the car, right on the pillar between the two doors. Both skins shattered,
    both steel door frames were bent, and the pillar was slightly pushed in.

    I happened to know that there was a car of the same color in my local bone
    yard with the doors I needed. $131 bought them. I then rented a portable
    power ram to push the pillar about 1/4 inch back into position.

    So, $131 for the doors, $70 for the rental of the power ram and we are back
    in business. I'll mention that if I could not have found the same color
    doors, I would not have attempted to fix it. It would not have been worth
    it if I had to have the doors painted. I paid $700 for the car, have put
    about 5000 miles on it.

    I wish I was normal, and could let a dying car go in peace. But nooooooo, I
    can't. :)

    David Teichholtz, Jul 8, 2006
  2. David Teichholtz

    SnoMan Guest

    Nothing wrong with repairing a otherwise servicable car. Good job!
    SnoMan, Jul 8, 2006
  3. David Teichholtz

    teem Guest

    Yes,bully for you!.Quite!.
    teem, Jul 8, 2006
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