Article in Cleveland Paper On Why Saturn Failed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by teem, May 13, 2006.

  1. teem

    teem Guest

    I didnt read it,but judging from the source-The Plain Dealer,it's
    probably their opinions.
    teem, May 13, 2006
  2. David Teichholtz, May 13, 2006
  3. teem

    marx404 Guest

    Albeit that the author could have chosen a much more positive title for his
    article, it was all true. GM has stagnated the Saturn line-up for years and
    really should have kept the product line fresh. IMHO, the S and L series
    direly needed a makeover years ago.

    The article should have been titled something like "Saturn's New Direction"
    or "Return of Saturn" or something like that instead of such a negative
    title. (er, how 'bout "why GM Failed Saturn"?, lol).

    However, there are many who relish in ragging on Saturn and perhaps if the
    negative title draws them to read this article in full, they will be
    enlightened as to the new direction Jill L. and GM is taking us. IMHO, by
    2008, our lovable lil S-cars will be fond memories (and still many on the
    road including mine) and Saturn will become a world class car.

    sehnen sich Phasensaturn !
    desea Saturno vivo !
    désirent ardemment Saturne de phase !
    Long Live Saturn !

    marx404, May 14, 2006
  4. teem

    Ritz Guest

    Failed? The VUE seems to be selling like hotcakes around here (CT).
    Granted, I don't see myself ever buying one of their econoboxes ever
    again (I've owned 3), but I'm quite happy with the new VUE I bought last

    Ritz, May 14, 2006
  5. teem

    bo peep Guest

    <<Failed? The VUE seems to be selling like hotcakes around here>>

    And have you tried to actually buy a SKY?

    John Cowart
    bo peep, May 16, 2006
  6. teem

    Ritz Guest

    Indeed. I sat in one in the showroom when I was buying the VUE and was
    told there was a 6 month wait (at least) if I ordered one that day. I
    liked the styling, but the engine was a bit anemic for that type of car.
    If Saturn can get that puppy up to 225-250hp and sell them for under
    $25k they'll sell as many as they can crank out.

    Ritz, May 17, 2006
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