Any suggestions?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MR, Dec 21, 2003.

  1. MR

    MR Guest

    I took the front wheel bearing housing assembly down to Saturn
    yesterday morning and had them put in a new bearing......At least, I
    hope they installed a new one at a cost of $92 for bearing and labor.
    I don't think I'll be going back there any time soon if Ican help it.
    I should have asked for the old bearing back, but did not think about
    it at the time.
    The reason I thought it was a wheel bearing is that I had the right
    front jacked up with the wheel, rotor and caliper removed. There was
    nothing below the strut but the bearing housing in place; the engine
    running in low gear and the axle turning, the sound was coming from
    the housing or at least it sounded like it. Now, it could be that the
    two piece housing has something that has an interference between the
    inner and outer. When I run into something like this, I think the
    next plan of attack will be to take longer and longer trips to see if
    something fails or goes away. Those kinds of sounds are not nice to
    hear and don't give you a warm cozy feeling; just like going to the
    Saturn deale herer. I don't think the cv joint would make that kind
    of sound, but could be wrong. Anyone have an ideas on where the noise
    is coming from.
    MR, Dec 21, 2003
  2. MR

    Skid Guest

    What kind of noise do you hear? I just had a knocking noise fixed on my car,
    could only hear it at low speeds, turned out to be the struts.
    Skid, Dec 21, 2003
  3. MR

    MR Guest

    Not a knocking sound; more of a screeching like a pad dragging at low
    speed and a whistle at high speeds. Not the pads or brakes making the
    noise though, since I had them off with the wheel turning and the
    noise was still there.
    MR, Dec 21, 2003
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