another day another tech

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steph, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. Steph

    Steph Guest

    quick followup to a previous post of mine.
    I had purchased a new (ebay) remote keyfob. But when I took the car to
    have it programmed (2001 LW-200), the service advisor returned it to me
    with the dash lit like a christmas tree and told me the BCM was bad and
    the keyfob could not be programmed.

    I had never seen the dash light like that (on this car) previously.The
    first restart and it was all normal again so I took it home as was -
    still without remote lock/unlock or security features.

    Well time passed and I dealt with no remote working until it was time for
    a oil change. I asked again for them to program the keyfob, 20 minutes
    later (well okay, 65 minutes including the oil change, rotation,
    programming, and exterior wash) and I have access to the security alarm,
    remote lock/unlock and happiness.

    I still have yet to see the BCM throw such an error, and the car
    continues to drive fine (well at least I know what it still needs).

    Moral: just as with help desk support, asking a different person will
    often yield a different answer.
    Steph, Jul 10, 2008
  2. Steph

    marx404 Guest

    Good story and how true. I always say a car is only as good as it's techs.
    marx404, Jul 11, 2008
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