another cracked cyl head after warranty expires

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by misterfact, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    GM's Saturn: a 'Dead Man Walking'
    GM's Saturn division is in serious trouble due to chronic powertrain
    problems, that its recent purchase of Honda engines won't cure.

    Japanese and South Korean competitors have been proven to offer far
    better quality for a slightly higher cost. Even GM's less pretentious
    models, like the Cavalier and Sunfire offer better quality and value
    for the money.

    Saturns have exhibited a plethora of serious mechanical problems, which
    GM has masked by setting up extended warranties applicable to original
    buyers. Owners of used Saturns say they are treated like they're from
    some other planet.

    Engines and Trannies

    In a March 2000 Customer Satisfaction Campaign letter (No: 00-C-09)
    sent to dealers, GM admits that the Saturn 2.2L 4-cylinder engines
    "were produced with internal engine components that may fail
    prematurely." GM says it will replace the engine at no charge with no
    mileage or time limitations, in addition to providing a loaner vehicle
    or paying rental costs.

    Faulty CVT automatic transmissions forced GM to halt production of the
    Ion Coupe and Vue during the first quarter of 2004; almost 200,000
    units were affected. Saturn owners say the transmission hesitates at
    low speeds, causes the engine to surge, and makes grinding noises.
    Automotive News reports that when the CVT was introduced on late-2002
    models, it had been delayed a year due to problems with inconsistent
    machining of parts, the hydraulic pump, and the software."

    Saturn's ads are far better than the company's cars and Vue SUV
    (Vue service bulletins show serious powertrain defects). Don't go
    anywhere near a new or used Saturn unless you're armed to the teeth
    with a comprehensive extended warranty.

    also- go to GOOGLE; click on GROUPS; then enter keywords SATURN,
    misterfact, Apr 28, 2006
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