Altenator Removal On 1997 SC2

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Atkins, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. John Atkins

    John Atkins Guest

    how do you go about removing the altenator on a 1997 SC2? any help would be
    John Atkins, Jun 4, 2005
  2. pull the right front wheel. DISCONNTECT THE BATTERY. 10mm nut on the back
    to remove the + cable. unplug the connector. 10mm bolt on the top front,
    10mm nut & bolt on the bottom. Take it out the wheel well. install is the
    reverse. takes about 45 minutes the 1st time - takes me under 30min now.
    Kevin M. Keller, Jun 4, 2005
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