Airbag black box crash need to know this

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by LoganDiagnostic, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. GM and Saturn cars record crash data. You can often get the last 5 seconds
    of vehicle data. Dealers are not able to collect the crash data. You need
    the Vetronix CDR, it can be seen here-

    Any questions about the crash data, black boxes etc. We will try to
    LoganDiagnostic, Nov 3, 2004
  2. LoganDiagnostic

    Oppie Guest

    Looks interesting what data it provides. Should help to keep the lawyers
    AIR BAG SDM / BLACK BOX / CRASH DATA AVAILABLE (depending on year and

    Vehicle speed (in five one-second intervals preceding impact)
    Engine speed (in five one-second intervals preceding impact)
    Brake status (in five one-second intervals preceding impact)
    Throttle position (in five one-second intervals preceding impact)
    Driver's seat belt state (On/Off)
    Passenger's airbag enabled or disabled state (On/Off)
    Airbag Warning Lamp status (On/Off)
    Time from vehicle impact to airbag deployment
    Maximum Delta-V for near-deployment event
    Delta-V vs. time for frontal airbag deployment event
    Time from vehicle impact to time of maximum Delta-V
    Time between near-deploy and deploy event (if within 5 seconds)

    I'm surprised that they didn't include steering angle but not all cars have
    steering angle sensors.

    Now, if they just add the cockpit voice recorder...
    Remember the old joke about the ntsb doing a study of crashes in pickup
    trucks and installing cockpit voice recorders. In over 80% of the crashes,
    the last words recorded were, "Hey Y'all, watch this!" or "Hold my beer for
    Oppie, Nov 3, 2004
  3. LoganDiagnostic

    NoSetFine Guest

    My brother once mused that all cars should be equipped with black boxes
    which are polled by your municipality once a year. They calculate all the
    speeding tickets you should have got during the year, and send you a bill.

    No more silly roadside stops.

    NoSetFine, Dec 1, 2004
  4. LoganDiagnostic

    Blah blah Guest

    This is an old thread that has since vanished from my headers.

    What about when you spin your tires at 100mph on a sheet of ice? What
    about when you goto the drag race to see what your car can do? Thats
    just scratching the surface. Not likely going to happen here.
    Blah blah, Dec 1, 2004
  5. LoganDiagnostic

    Oppie Guest

    Just as electronic dashboards have spawned a black market for tools that
    will re-program the odometer, there will eventually be a tool that will
    re-program or erase the black box. Amazing things happen when there is money
    at stake. A friend who was a shop foreman at a car dealer (who routinely
    turned back mechanical odometers) offered me big bucks to make him a tool to
    do the same with electronic odometers. I'm pretty sure that I could have
    come up with something eventually but the fines just didn't justify the
    risk. Not to mention, it just isn't nice to tamper.

    Of course, the brute force method is if you get in a serious crash which you
    are at fault (and are still conscious enough), rip out the SIR module and
    chuck it before the police arrive.
    Oppie, Dec 3, 2004
  6. LoganDiagnostic

    Roy Guest

    You forgot the argument that not all streets and roads have the same speed
    limit. If all they did was check your speed at certain times there would be
    no way to tell what speed zone you were in.
    Roy, Dec 3, 2004
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