Air Horn Installation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BR, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. BR

    BR Guest

    Anyone have any info on the wiring for an air horn for a 97' SL2. I'm
    replacing the broken horn on my SL2 with an air horn. The car already
    has 3 existing wires, I assume one is gnd, positive, and relay/switch?
    Just wondered if anyone has installed another type of horn on the
    saturn. Thanks,
    I posted a message earlier but it never showed up.
    BR, Sep 28, 2004
  2. BR

    Lee3333 Guest

    I just installed a set in my 99 SW2. The three wires to the stock horn are
    1) constant power
    2) switched ground
    3) constant ground
    I did not hear any relay click when I disconnected the stock horn, so
    there may be a relay in the old horn itself. In any case, you should wire
    in a relay. I tapped a power line for the air horn compressor from the
    fuse box next to the battery-I used a mini fuse relay and a connected it
    to the bolt connecting the battery cable to the fuse box. Then, I ran
    power from the fuse to the relay to the compressor. I grounded the
    compressor. Then, I hooked the switched ground and constant hot from the
    old horn wires to the relay.

    Lee3333, Sep 28, 2004
  3. BR

    Lane Guest

    A Haynes or Chilton manual from any auto parts store (for around $10) will
    provide vehicle wiring diagrams.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Sep 28, 2004
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