Air Conditioning Fan Failure

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom, Jul 18, 2004.

  1. Tom

    Tom Guest

    The A/C fan in my 94 SL2 has an intermittant failure that I'd like to repair
    mysel if possible. The fan will come on and then after 2-5 minutes the fan
    speed drops until the fan eventually stops all together. I believe that the
    fan switch is OK because I have pulled the connector off the back and jumped
    one of the fan wires and had the same results. I guess that this leaves the
    fan itself, or the multi-speed fan control electronics.

    Anyone have experience with this type of repair? I hate to take it to the
    dealer when the cost would be a high percentage of the total value of the 10
    year old car.
    Tom, Jul 18, 2004
  2. Tom

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    If I had to guess, I'd guess that the motor is worn out.

    The brushes in the motor wear out. When they're at their end, they make
    intermittent contact with the commutator which will make the motor run
    intermittently and slowly.
    Kirk Kohnen, Jul 18, 2004
  3. Tom

    Oppie Guest

    Check the fan if it spins freely (bad bearing)
    Possible worn out brushes inside the fan. (SOL on this since brushes are not
    easily exchangeable)

    See if you can power the fan directly from battery without the variable
    speed module just to verify that the fan motor is working properly. If it
    does then check out the module and related temperature sensor.

    Oppie, Jul 26, 2004
  4. Tom

    jmb6420 Guest

    My 93 had the same problem. Bought a new fan for $30.00 from auto parts
    store. Three screws and 10 minutes later all was well.
    jmb6420, Sep 6, 2004
  5. Tom

    jmb6420 Guest

    My 93 had the same problem. Bought a new fan for $30.00 from auto parts
    store. Three screws and 10 minutes later all was well.
    jmb6420, Sep 6, 2004
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