advice on accident repair

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Edwin Liu, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. Edwin  Liu

    Edwin Liu Guest

    I recently put my '94 SL2 (145K mi) into a ditch off a highway ramp
    (high speed + wet road). The bumper cover is smashed up, but otherwise
    the suspension and bottom of the front chassis bore the brunt of the

    I put new (used) rims and one new tire on it to limp to a shop, but it
    was pretty clear that the damage was bad. The alignment was serverely
    off--to go straight, I had to put 90 degrees of left steering lock on
    it, and the suspension had almost no ability to cope with bumps in the
    road. Additionally, the engine sounded rough (though no apparent loss
    in power delivery), and the car vibrated when it was stopped at a

    Otherwise, there are no leaks and electrics are fine.

    The shop checked it out, and once they put it up on a lift, the picture
    was clearer.
    I'm looking at:
    - crumpled K-member
    - bent anti-sway bar (and crushed sway bar mounts/bushings)
    - both lower control arms bent

    The shop quoted me ~2 grand to repair--$1000 for labor, $1000 for parts
    (all used, except the sway bar links, brackets, and bushings). After
    some poking around online, I believe I can get the parts for somewhere
    in the 600-900 range shipped, but it'd be much easier dealing with
    someone local--and time is a key factor since we are down to two cars
    between four people.

    Given that the bluebook on the car (in good condition) is just about
    $2000, I have the difficult decision of whether to go ahead with the
    repairs or declare it a loss cause.

    If I do repair it, there is chance of more problems--specifically the
    engine roughness worries me--and perhaps some latent problems that
    manifest only after some time. I could very very easily be spending
    much more than 2 grand.

    If I don't, I only need to pick up enough 'new' car to last me less
    than a year--but I run the risk of problems with the new car.

    On both other hands, the saturn could run great--as it has been--for
    many more years if i repair it, and if i buy a new car, I might end up
    with something quite good that is also solid for many more years.

    Any suggestions?
    Edwin Liu, Jul 20, 2006
  2. Edwin  Liu

    wavy Guest

    I think you can find a better deal.
    But I could not tell you how to find it.
    The parts from a you-pull junkyard would
    be one hell of a lot less (probably get the whole of your parts for
    $100 or less).
    A couple of people have been selling off their mid 90s SC models on
    Ebay - piece by piece - you might check there!
    wavy, Jul 22, 2006
  3. Edwin  Liu

    Ocean Archer Guest

    With respect to the rough running engine -- you might want to check/recheck
    all the motor mounts. If you hit as hard as it appears, they may have
    failed, allowing the engine to torque/twist/flop around inside the engine
    compartment. Damn things aren't that expensive, but they can be a pain in
    the posterior to replace. Good luck ....
    Ocean Archer, Jul 26, 2006
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