AC drain hole on 1994 SL?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Clutch, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. Clutch

    Clutch Guest

    I am trying to locate the drain hole for the AC on my 1994 Saturn SL1.
    I looked along the firewall, but I didn't see any drain there. My last
    few cars had one on the passenger side firewall, so I thought it would
    be there. My main concern is that I never see any water draining under
    the bottom of the car when the AC is running, and there is a musty
    smell when turing the AC off. If the Recirculation is on with the AC,
    the smell is terrible. I had read of a method for cleaning out the
    smell by doing a back flush through the drain with alcohol, so I
    really need to locate the drain. Any assistance would be greatly

    Clutch, Apr 19, 2004
  2. Clutch

    marx404 Guest

    I couldnt find it in my Haynes, but had a similar problem with my 94 SL2,
    with the smile seal leaking. I believe that the evaporator drain tube runs
    down the center of the firewall, behind the center console and ends
    somewhere there. That seal (smile seal) where the fw intersects with the
    tube was where mine was leaking, so the end must be nearby. Hope that helps.

    marx404, Apr 19, 2004
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