Regarding my 1999 SW2 with under 19000 miles-after the dealer replaced my PCM (covered by Federal Emissions Warranty of 8 years/80,000 miles)my car was returned with the ABS light on. (And the traction control status light was not on.) I just had the car checked by a trusted independent station. I witnessed the entire diagnostic's-the sensor and wires were all good. When the ABS computer was checked, we found that by wiggling one of the wires (purple with white stripe) the ABS would stop working and the code light would come on. Even after the code was cleared and the ABS was working, the traction control status light would not stay on. By all indications, the ABS computer appears to be bad. The ABS and traction control all were operating fine before the Saturn dealer changed the PCM (located right next to it). Any thoughts on this? By the way, the dealer initally said that the PCM would not be covered by the standard warranty and never mentioned the Federal coverage. Now, even though the part has been replaced, he is still claiming it is due to an improperly wired alarm/cut off switch (both were installed when the car was one day old and never caused any problems) One interesting thing-one of the pins in the ABS wiring harness (for the red wire) is brown, not silver like the rest, and appears to be a little longer. Is this normal? Sorry for this long letter, but I am trying to figure out where to go with this in terms of complaining to GM. It seems odd that this car has had a brake modulator, PCM, and ABS computer all go bad in under 19000 miles. Thanks for any help you can give me. Lee