A/C Clutch ---- Saturn 1997 SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by markowsm, Nov 21, 2005.

  1. markowsm

    markowsm Guest

    The plastic cover on my A/C clutch has broken off. The A/C still works,
    but the metal plate within the clutch is exposed and makes noise when the
    car is on. Do I need to replace the entire compressor, just the clutch,
    or can I replace the plastic covering?
    markowsm, Nov 21, 2005
  2. markowsm

    p_vouers Guest

    not sure on the saturn compressor but on most others you can replace
    just the clutch but need some specialized tools and of course removal
    of the belt also.. another PITA
    p_vouers, Nov 21, 2005
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